
I don't understand what's going on with my body, let me lay out the backstory and see if any of you lovely ladies can help advise me as to what to do...
I'm 19, and my periods initially started around 12 or 13, they've never been regular, and I've always had like one period every 2/3 months, recently I went to the doctor because I hadn't had a period since October last year and I was beginning to get worried, since this is the longest I've been without one (8 months) now I'm away in the states until July 12th for a 'holiday' and I started to bleed on Saturday, I began to chill out a bit thinking that this is the period finally appearing again, until I found this; it's not really heavy, it's just heavier than they usually have been, and there's a hell of a lot of clotting, like I'll go to the toilet and by the time I stand up there are a lot of like clots in the bottom of the toilet, I'm getting quite worried because the blood is very light in colour compared to its usual darker tone, and it looks more like actual blood than period blood, if you know what I mean? 
Personally I'm trying my absoloutely hardest not to freak out because all the clotting and blood is reminding me of the miscarriage I had in November of 2015, but I don't think Its that because the last time I saw my SO was April, and although we did have sex unprotected, he never um, 'finished' inside of me... plus I had a blood test a few weeks ago to check my hormone levels because I wasn't having periods and that came back all fine, 
Is this bleeding a result of my body catching up on the periods it missed, or was I actually pregnant and just miscarried?  I'm so confused and so scared to tell him, since we're only young and after what happened before, I don't know what to do because I don't want to go to hospital or anything unless it's absoloutely necessary because of travel insurance and all that jazz, I just don't want to deal with them, the thought of having to is making me a little anxious, please help 😔