time to sleep train 🙄

My half asleep self got way over frustrated at my son not SLEEPING allhe was doing was throwing pillows over arching his back and scratching and pinching my face !! So I set his half asleep self in his crib at 1am. Can't do the scratching and arching and all around not cooperating. Especially when he is constantly arching scorching into pillows and things that I can't just let him be in otherwise I'd just let it roll. Anyhoo, Now he is scratching away happily at the bumper in his crib all I know is it's not my face. I'll let y'all know how the rest of the night goes lmao. He has stopped nursing in the night so should be fine but lord knows. I kinda miss him. But I do NOT miss the fucking face scratching and back arching. Here's to my late night patience lacking conscious decision to make sure I don't lose my fucking mind. Oh, While we're on the subject of baby rebellion, anyone elses LO completely arch their back and try to roll off the changing table or out of their car seat? He's been doing this a while and it's becoming intolerable as well 🙄 I feel like it's a constant battle and my patience is waning. 
Update: tried putting him in his crib last night.. what happens? Not a bout of endless crying but constant flipping to his tummy then holding his breath so I HAVE to go help him. 🤦🏼‍♀️