
Hi everyone, I know there are many of  us who are TTC and trying to loose weight at the same time, so I wanted to create a space where we could share our journey, support each other, share our favorite healthy recipes and  exercises, and update each other on our weight loss success.
So my name is Brittany, I live in Alaska with my amazing hubby, and our husky and cat. I have been TTC for 2 years and was just recently diagnosed with PCOS. I started my weight loss journey about a month and a half ago at my heaviest of 265lbs. 
My doctor put me on Metformin (a low dose of 500mg for now). I have been doing the P90X3 workout videos in the mornings before work. I thought I would hate them because I'm not a fan of excercising but they are actually pretty great. My husband and I also just invested in a really nice treadmill, because it was a better fit for us than a gym membership (Seriously the only gym in our area wanted $600 a year for 2 people ouch). I have been following the couch to 5k running program, and am currently on week four. I can sorta run for 5 minutes straight without dying which is huge for me! My goal is to be able to do a color run in Anchorage in June. I mean seriously can you ask for a better first 5k than one that is full of rainbows and glitter!
My diet has changed drastically as well. My doctor recommended a low carb diet. I don't have a set amount that I follow but I don't eat grains or potatoes and my only sugar and carbs come naturally from fruits and vegetables. I don't do any sweeteners not even honey or sugar substitutes. 
So far I have lost 15lbs! What I have gained is even better though. I now don't feel as winded doing everyday activities, I have more energy, I actually look forward to running, I might even be able to run away from a really slow zombie lol, and I feel much stronger. I actually feel more confident now as well, and even though I'm still far from looking skinny or fit I plan to buy a bikini this year for the first time ever (a high waisted one) because #effyourbeautystandards!
Anyways that's me, I look forward to meeting you and sharing our journeys together!