Pain was just a UTI

I was freaking out earlier today at work. I am 35w2d with my first and was having menstral like cramps and lower back pain that would not go away when I sat down or drank water. I had also been nauseous. I was worried it was pre-term labor symptoms, but I was not having regular contractions. I called the midwife's office. They had me go to labor and delivery to get checked. My blood pressure was textbook perfect, as was my pulse, I had no leaking or discharge, our sweet little one was active and her heartbeat strong and healthy. The took a pee sample and lo-and-behold, I have a UTI! I have never had one in my life (I'm almost 29) so I had no idea what they feel like. I also have a high pain tolerance, so I don't know how long it was brewing either. Ladies, if you have a feeling like you aren't able to empty your bladder as well as you did the previous day, keep an eye out for a UTI, that has been my only constant symptom other than the pain that developed today.