High risk pregnancy

So orgianally i was a high risk pregnancy because i have a cyst in my brain which i am fine with and i was happy about the fact i would watched more closely because it meant my little girl would be safer, well the other week at my 19 week ultrasound they found a little bit of fluid around her heart after we had found and that she was a she, the doctor didnt think it was alot but i was sent to westmead womens clinic to get a specialist to do an ultrasound just to make sure well they found more fluid she has fluid around her tummy and her heart and she has fetal hidrops at the moment we have no idea what is causing this i was told by the doctor it could be one of three things abnormalities, chromosone abnormalities or an infection and i am praying for it to be an infection because it is then treatable. I find some of the results hopefully today and those are the ones that will tell me if it is an infection or not and then ill find the rest of the results out next thursday when i go to the clinic to see the doctors and have another ultrasound im just so nervous, and have no idea what this could mean for my little girl