I keep having the WORST dreams!!!

Hey ladies! I know everyone will tell me that weird dreams are totally normal- but mine are SO REALISTIC and are not filled with space aliens or anything but all people I know... for example....
My dream 😴😴 last night was that my husband was looking at other guy's profiles and when I called him out on it he got very defensive and said he was just "curious" so in the dream I tried to be very supportive and then he started bringing these guys to the house and going on dates with them and everything-- I confronted him in my dream about it and he got mad about me even making an issue of it and said I was trying to make him unhappy... that's when I woke up! 😭😭 I woke up my husband and told him about my dream (although I said "other people's profiles" not "other guys profiles"-- idk if he really needed to know all the details....) anyways we cuddled and I fell back asleep but these same types of dream have beeen like EVERY NIGHT! (*side note-- this is the first and only dream about my husband being gay- other ones have been about different things and people I know)
Is this normal ladies?!? Am I going crazy?!?