so frustrated.

My husband has full time hours and I've been only part time. So I do more housework. I leave 3 chores for him: dishes, garbage, and doing the cat box.
I'm fucking tired of when I point out that his chores aren't done he gets mad at me... but yet he can point out what I haven't done and then nags me when I haven't done his chores for him too.
Like he has 3 fucking chores. And he bitches about me not helping him with his chores on top of me taking care of the whole house and doing all the cooking too.
Every time I bring it up he's mad at me. I'm ducking tired of it.
Lauren- I have approached with love. I have approached asking please I have approached with all the kindness in the world. I agree. Chores are for children and he just wants me to fucking take care of the house like it's not his problem. I've never approached him with anger and I'm always met with anger. I'm disabled and I can't do it alone and he just doesn't seem to get that since I was healthier years ago when we first met. I'm thinking that he thought it was gonna always be that way no matter how much I warned him that I'll get worse.