Been trying for a year

I'm 41 years old, me and my husband have been married for 4 years now. I got my tubes untied last year of 2016. We've been trying for a year now to get pregnant 🤰. Ever since my Reversal my period hasn't been the same. I have told my fertility doctor about it and didn't give me nothing to get it back to normal. He said cause of my age and I told him. Ever since I started my period I've never been late. I have 3 kids and never had a problem with my period. He told me and my husband that we have to do the <a href="">IVF</a>, no hope for nothing all the money we paid. It just breaks my heart so bad cause i know my husband would love to have a baby of his own. He has none of his own. If anyone or anybody can please give me some advice 😞😩