just nervous or excited

Been trying for 3 yrs i got miscarriage last april 2016 my for 6 weeks my  artner is working overseas we do have only few months for TTC but still hoping and praying. I am 41 y/o and had son 19 yrs of age... my partner was younger 10yrs from me he arrived last  june 18 and my AF was june 12 since 18 up to my ovulation we had BD on the 26th which is my ovulation very pain abdominal and body pain been sick the next day and up to now was feeling tired and severe sore breast and nipples and day to day cramping backache feeling nauseus every night sometimes dizzy a bit. I dont know maybe im just over thinking.., please help is there anyone here we feel the same just cant wait to do the test and i know still early... been using another apps before but i found Glow is more useful and helpful with comments and stories im reading... Do you think guys im on my way to BFP? Im really hoping... cant sleep and im feeling stress everyday! 😪
Thank you in advance and to Glow staff and admin... God Bless all! 🙏😇😊👍🏻😍