I've been so emotional today😢

Woke up today frustrated and emotional. For one I am feeling so hurt because ever since I became pregnant. My three year old has been so disrespectful towards me. She doesn't listen,she hits me, throws the biggest tantrum's. I'm not so sure if my pregnancy has to do with her acting that way or it's because my husband left us to start his new job. He is now a truck driver driving  to different states, his been gone for almost 2 months 😢. It's very hard because I have to deal with a lot my job my daughter the hole house,having car problems. Wish he was here. I almost fainted at work today it was really embarrassing I haven't been feeling myself the last three days it's  been pretty heavy week with migraines. I'm usually A very strong person but I'm going to assume it's the pregnancy that as me wwith emotional stress. IÂ