Endometriosis questions

I recently found out I may have endometriosis, doctor says the only way to know for sure is to have the surgery. My fiancé and I have been TTC for a year now and getting this news was very heart breaking, I postponed the surgery because I'm getting married on the 15th of this month and I'd prefer to not have stitches or be glued together while wearing my dress lol. I have lots of questions, so if any of you ladies could provide me some kind of answers or reassurance that'd be great😁
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I had the surgery when I was 21, I'm 30 now and just trying to conceive for the first time. The surgery itself isn't too bad, but I think it's wise to wait until after the wedding. I was kind of sore for a few weeks after, like I had done a ton of sit-ups. The surgery really helped with the painful periods I was having and painful sex. No issues with either since and it has been nearly a decade! I don't know how trying to get pregnant will go, but this is the first time I've been off birth control since the endo diagnosis, and I'm pleasantly surprised that my periods have still been manageable. Congrats on your wedding!


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I've had endo for about 8 years (I just found this group) and I may not know everything but I do know a lot, so if you have any questions or just need to talk about it I'm here! I don't have any friends with endo, so having someone who understands would be great!


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I had the best case scenario happen to me. I was given a possible diagnoses at a yearly exam, two months later I had to go back because the pain had gotten worse. He knew we wanted to get pregnant and had been trying for about six months so gave me Clomid. Four rounds of that failed. He talked me into surgery. I had it done November 18th after ten full cycles of trying. I had three tiny incisions. I only took the pain meds the first day, I healed in about a week and a half, but was still scared to have sex. I had my post op appt, was given the go ahead and we started trying in December again with the help of Femara. I got pregnant that cycle. Even though my OB did it, I was very please with the results.


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I would suggest you find a specialist. I allowed my gyno to do the surgery and he ended up aggravating my condition. When I confronted him he said it was my fault because I had such bad endo he wasn't capable of getting it all. I then found a surgeon who works solely with endo and he changed my life. There is a Facebook group called Nancy's book for endometriosis education. They have a list of specialists they recommend and that's how I found mine.