Crazy symptoms


Ok, so I have PCOS, so dealing with my cycle is wonky.

I'm 25 days late, BFN tests.

My hubs and I had sex during my fertile window, and about a week later I had light spotting and minor cramps in my lower abdomen.

Over the last month, symptoms included:

Tender breasts, itchy areolas, fatigue, bloating, dizziness, migraines ( which usually only occur before my cycle), mild nausea, aversion to food I normally like, heartburn, sensitivity to scents (especially alcohol and cigarette smoke, even if it's just on someone's clothing), and mood swings.

Lastly, I started having moderate cramps in my lower abdomen last night that feel like a heavy period on the way (But no bleeding/spotting yet).

I have an appointment with obstetrics on Monday, but the wait is killing me...