Symptoms. So frustrated...

My SO just doesn't seem to understand this pregnancy. He is adamant in saying he gets it, but when I come home from work and just need to sit and rest for a while, he gets mad that I'm not making supper or doing anything around the house to get ready for this baby. I went to a store with him the other night. Instead of making a list and figuring out what aisles we needed to go to, we walked back and forth and in numerous circles for over an hour and he doesn't understand why I was so cranky at the end! My back is sore and I am completely exhausted!!! I try not to be a complainer in front of him, but I'm sore, I'm tired, I don't sleep well, I'm irritable... Our relationship is definitely suffering because of this to the point where sometimes I think we are just goin to go our separate ways. We've been to a counselor, but it's just not getting through his head. 😣
Anyone else having trouble with their SO's and their lack of understanding and compassion? I am just so frustrated!!!