Horror birth

With my son I went in to labour on the Monday and thought it was only Branston hicks being my first and not knowing I just left it by Friday I was sick couldn't keep anything down and couldn't sleep. Went to hospital they told me I'm technically not in labour yet I'm only 1cm so I was sent home , the next morning we went to a cycling race and I couldn't sit stand or walk around it was to painful, went back to hospital and I was only 2.5cm, by that time I told them that my baby had turned, I was shot down and said to sit and wait. By 1 o'clock the matron came and said "so you are trouble come through " I was enduced and my water broke. At 4:20 my son was born with a perennial cut, the nurses that assisted with the birth changed shifts and I was stitched up right to the back I mean couldn't go no 2, ontop of that the placenta wasn't removed and came out after I had to walk to the recovery ward, I felt the life leaving me due to all the blood loss. All I remember is that I felt the nurses chucking me this side then that side. Woke up with drips and clean bedding. O ja sure enough my son did turn he came out legs first. I left the hospital not being able to walk with out fainting and had to have stitching removed a couple of days later. 7 years later didn't give birth again. Did fall pregnant with triplets but had a miscarriage.