Relationship Issues

Me and my boyfriend of 2+ years just recently broke up a week ago because I found out he cheated on me. He had sex with this girl once but they go to school together (we go to separate colleges) ... He apologized and wrote this long paragraph talking about how he's trying to be a better person. I haven't been texting him but he's been texting me every other day since the break up. He's constantly telling me he still loves me. However, I think I made the worst decision ever by telling my friends what happened. He's supposed to be visiting in a area close to where I go to school for the weekend and we were going to talk ... However my friends keep telling me I shouldn't and that I need to stop talking to him. My heart is hurt and I feel betrayed but I would like to talk to him to get answers to my questions. I'm pretty sure he's going to want to reconcile, but idk what I should do?! My mind and heart is all over the place ... Should I forgive and try to work it out or should I just move on ? Please help ! 

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