some men have it easy 😑

I'm a SAHM since my first baby was 9 months old and now she is 3 and my littlest is almost 11 months. My husband works a full time job and some work on the side. I normally don't bitch about him not helping with the kids bc he works so I can be home but this one incident had me so irritated... we were eating dinner and of course when my 11 month old eats it make a severe mess which I clean up every night along with my 3 year old. While he was eating he let off a huge fart which followed by poop, I knew he pooped bc he only goes every few days so when he does I just know. I figured I would let him finish eating no big deal. Then I look down and it's gushing out of the high chair all over the side of him, down his leg and onto the floor. So I start gathering what I can go catch the poop and get him out of his chair to get him into the bathtub to clean off the poop. I come out of the bathroom with a clean baby and my husband cleaned up his side of the table and left my 3 year old, her plate, my plate and of course the high chair filled with food and poop. I looked at him and said "really? You really left me all of that to clean up after I just got done giving a bath to a poop filled child. He said "I don't do poop I will throw up" I said "excuse me? You think that didn't make me want to throw up? I've changed thousands of diapers and I can count on maybe two hands how many you have changed!" Normally I wouldn't have been so bothered that he didn't clean up by bc he said he doesn't clean up poop I was so irritated that he even came out of his mouth. I don't care who works and who doesn't we both made two children. The bathrooms, laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, baths, getting up at night etc. are all work too. This is just a rant about this incident. I love my husband and our children as he does too.Â