2 year old saying the craziest things...

I swear my 2 year old boy has an evil streak in him. But please please tell me otherwise and you've had similar experiences. Little back story, he is my first, and my sweet sweet little girl just turned one. They couldn't be any more opposite. Since the day she was born, she has been his target. Just walks over her and knocks her down, or walks by her and kicks a leg out at her, i mean, non-stop messing with her. I need to keep her in my sight 24/7. It is driving me crazy! Plus the fact that I am also 10 weeks pregnant. But the things that got me that he had said is "I will kill you" way more than once, and to multiple ppl, and the other day, we saw a bunny, and he said "we need to chop it's feet off so it can't hop away" and the other unbelievable thing he said "I will put a nail in your face and you will be dying" this makes me so upset I don't know what to do, telling him to stop saying these things I swear only makes it worse, so I've been ignoring it, but it's so hard not to! We really make sure that anything we watch on tv is age appropriate, no idea where he is getting any of this from. Struggling to even write this cuz of all the commotion in the background 😭 Anyone had similar experience? Any advice? Thanks in advance