I don't know whats wrong with my body😢

Vivian • God knows best
Hey guy's Ok so my husband & i BD on my most active ovulation day...2 weeks after we did it i started to experience cramping the cramping you will get right before your period it will go & then come back...Along with back pains & moodiness i usually get these symptoms around my AF....but never 3 week's before.When it came close time for my af to arrive i started to feel my nipples burning which usually dont happen i usually get sore breast but never have i gotten sore nipples...I started to see veins in my breast as well that was becoming darker...So i thought ok cool this is it i might just be pregnant...my period was 2 day's late & the day i was about to take a pregnancy test i started to see spotting so i thought ok this could be implantation bleeding...but then it started to get heavier & heavier once i saw bright red then i knew it was my period...& i just thought ok we will try next cycle i started bleeding on july 4th..now all of sudden my bleeding just stopped completely i only blead for one day...all my life i always had a 7 day period & now this time I'm more confused then ever...im going to make an appointment with my OBGYN to make sure... has this ever happend to some of you before??