I need help figuring this out

The first picture is of my month of June. It's cropped to only show the important part but I cut too much off to show that we did indeed BD during my ovulation window that glow says I had. The second picture is this month. I have not had sex this month because I was supposed to get my period and I really do not want to be touched around this time. I have had to push my menses guesses back 3 times. I took a test yesterday and I still have a "not pregnant" come up on the digital. Can someone help me figure this out? I only get my period usually for 1-3 days and it's ALWAYS light. I was told that this could mean I am not ovulating or producing enough lining to even have an egg implant. I can't buy OPKs right now so we have just been going off CP and CM. My CM from my last period has been Egg White consistency, stretches but a little bit more opaque, like an actual white. I have an appointment on the 25th with my gyno because I truly believe something is wrong with me and that I will never get pregnant 😭 the last time they said something nice I get a period I should be fine and didn't really check anything. I'm going crazy, I keep having such realistic dreams of finding out I'm pregnant or getting a BFP and yet I cry when I wake up and realize it's FALSE.