Please help!

So I'm currently pregnant, just found out.. and let me say.. I FEEL LIKE SHIT daily now and have no energy for anything and always visiting the bathroom or trash can to throw up.. I'm cramping like crazy half the time also (baby is okay doctor said it was normal). Anyways, I've been baby sitting for a while now. Before I felt fine and I thought I would be able to do it, now I'm regretting it. I can never nap BECAUSE THIS LITTLE GIRL LITERALLY NEVER SLEEPS even if she's tired. She's 1 😩 I don't blame her she's a sweet little girl but GOD IS SHE NEEDY. I also have a 1 year old, so this isn't easy on me right now. My son on the other hand isn't needy and really calm and sleeps half the time or loves being in his play pen watching movies or playing with his toys. This little girl hates going in the play pen, hates being in the high chair.. for some odd reason she loves being in her car seat to sit but acts like she doesn't know how to get off and will CRY FOR MINS in the car seat until I take her out (isn't even strapped just sitting in it). I put her in her play pen and give her her milk and she screams at the top of her lungs. I walk away to go to the bathroom and she's crying, I try laying my head because I feel like my eyes can't take it and she's screaming and crying for everything. She NEVER SLEEPS. Even when she's tired 😩😩😩 she will fight her sleep which gets her even moody. She isn't teething so idk why she's always acting like this. Sometimes I feel like I should just let her cry it out since she's old enough but it's not my child I can't do that. HELP PLEASE. 😩😩😢 I feel like I'm going to go insane. She constantly loves being in my arms only or lap and then my son gets jealous 😩😩😩 I can't even change her diaper to lay her down because she'll scream and cry also. 😩😩😩 I've never met a baby so needy before! Please help. Advice?