
C 💕

I'm very nervous for my appointment because I'm so scared I could be pregnant with twins! I looked up some of the early signs that hint towards it & while I don't have any of them, I'm still terrified. Twins are VERY common in my family. They're common on both my parents side.

My biological dad is a twin, his twin sister had twins and one of those twins is currently pregnant with twins. Aside from that, my mom was pregnant with twins (myself and the other). Sadly, she lost the other one. My sister has twins (they're now 8), and at one point was pregnant with another set of twins and a set of triplets! (She miscarried both sets). Luckily, twins aren't common in my boyfriends side, but I'm still nervous because of how likely they are on my side! 😩🤞🏻🙅🏻