37/5 days, it's getting reallllll!!!!!!


37 weeks 5 days, had my second weekly appointment today and he didn't check me which I thought was strange. My last appointment will be next Thursday the 13th and I will be 38 and 5, if I haven't progressed or go into labor before then he is inducing me Monday morning the 17th at 39 and 2.

I haven't had any real symptoms so far it seems, but as soon as I left today's appointment I started having period like cramping and then lost what I think was part of my mucus plug. I suppose my daughter didn't like the thought of being induced! I sure hope she decides to come on her own before the dreaded induction date!!!

We are all almost there July mamas! I remember when I just found out at 6 weeks thinking this is going to take FOREVER!!!! Can't wait to meet our princess 🎀👶🏼💗👑