How do you move on from chemical pregnancies.,,


We haven't been TTC for all that long. And I don't really feel like I have too much right to feel so upset. I know many people who are ttc and having difficulty...

Since March I've gone through 2 chemical pregnancies. I know what my dr says. She explained that it is a miscarriage of sorts but at the same time isn't. It's been really emotionally draining and I just don't know what to do. My husband and I are devastated. We keep being least you can get pregnant and I hear what they are saying but it just feels like a very cruel joke. Why let me have the start and then take it away?

So the dr says that it happens often. She says that if it happens again then it's off to a fertility specialist. I don't want to stop trying but I don't know that I can keep going through this. Sorry for the rant, just so sad, frustrated, angry and confused. I couldn't even get excited second time around just in case and then it happened again.