I just need to vent.... 😓😢

I've been with the same guy for going in 4 years. In January we decided to move out on our own (we already lived together at my parents). Recently we have been struggling financially and of course the frustration of it gets to the both of us and we argue all the time. The last year I have started struggling with anxiety and I feel like it's just getting worse and worse. I don't feel happy anymore, I cry all the time and I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to fix it. I love this guy and when we have a good day I feel good but my mind never stops thinking of the negative things, no matter what. My mind keeps running 24/7 with any and every negative situation that is or could happen. If we have one little argument I cry and I hate that. I'm not the type of person to show my emotion or talk about my problems so I always hold it in till I'm alone. And since I do that I feel more alone than ever in my life. I struggle to get out of Bed or out of the apartment. All I want to do is be alone in bed with no one around and I'm just sad. This is the first time out on our own we both work decent jobs. I feel like there's people going threw so much worse than me and there's no reason for me to feel this way and I feel ridiculous. Just don't know how to handle it anymore or what to do and having no one to talk to doesn't help the situation but at the same time no one ever asks me how I'm doing. I know I out on a good show for everyone and they probably assume I'm okay. But I'm not I'm not okay 😓😢