Due july 11th


Born July 5th 1:32pm started early labor Monday night around 10pm contracted all night went into hospital Tuesday morning was at 2 in half cm contractions every 6 minutes my doctors was off due to the holiday weekend so the doctor covering for him went ahead and let me go after 2 hours witch I didn't mind cuz I had a scheduled doctor appointment the following morning at 9am with my doctor to be induced July 5th but I did live an hour and 15 minutes away from my doctor and he hospital but I was sure I'd be fine I was wrong lol I kept contracting that whole day Tuesday July 4th pretty good ones to every 4 minutes but with my doctor not being there and living an hour away I said I'm gonna stick it out I can make it to my apt in the morning no 3 am Wednesday we needed to go to the hospital my fiancé said I'm not chancing driving all the way to our hospital at 3 in the morning and not make it so I had to go to the hospital here where I live and I was in active labor they kept me and things moved pretty quickly until I was stuck at 10 cm dilated cuz my little girl was a big one and face up with her hand stuck by her face so she was taking a hit to go all the way down but she did💕 a whole 8lbs 4.9 oz 20 in long