

This was my first pregnancy. My husband and I tried for a couple of months when I got pregnant. We were over the moon excited and couldn't wait to meet our little peanut! Well last Thursday I had some light pink spotting once. Then again on Saturday. Then again in Monday. I finally made an appt with my doctor. He looked at my cervix and did a pelvic exam and said everything looked fine. He wasn't concerned due to the spotting being a very light pink and only happened 3 times. He told me there would be spotting after the appointment. 2 days later the spotting was still there and it was turning red. I knew something wasn't right. I called my doctor and went in for an ultrasound. I was 8 weeks pregnant. When the ultrasound tech performed the ultrasound she went quiet. I knew what happened. There was nothing there. She told me I was measuring very small and I asked her what that meant and she paused and just said "it means the pregnancy isn't healthy". I choked back tears until she left the room. Once she walked out I collapsed into my husbands arms crying so hard. The doctor later came an confirmed the miscarriage due to extremely low progesterone and my dropping HCG levels. I don't know how to cope or what to do other than cry. This is extremely difficult to process.