husband problems

I truly am at a loss. My husband is a good man, but about a month ago he quit his job, and hasn't really been looking since, he sits at home all day not doing a thing but playing video games. He sleeps until 12 in the afternoon, while I clean up mess after mess that he makes. I don't have a car due to the fact he quit, so I can't go anywhere without him driving me (he drives stick I don't) and he never wants to drive me anywhere. I'm a month away from having our daughter and I'm just depressed. When I say he plays video games all day I mean from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed so from 12 in the afternoon till 1 am... I'm losing my attraction towards him. I'm getting bored. He rarely pays attention to me. When I ask him to help me with things like the laundry (I have to do it at my moms because we don't have a washer or dryer yet 🙄) he bitches at me telling me to get my mom to come get me because he's not going anywhere. 😔 I love him but I'm tired of this...advice ?