Am I crazy?

My bf started a new job overnights like a month or so ago and ever since then he's been acting VERY weird. Also, around the same time he added an "almost ex" from his old high school in another city. I was fine with it because I'm not usually the jealous type, she's in another city and in a relationship with a child and I trust(ed?) my bf.

He left his phone out today and I went through it. I never do this. Ever. I'm almost ashamed of myself but I found some pretty weird shit.

First, a number with the same area code as the girl he added to his contacts under a male name I've never heard him mention before.

Second, he activated his secret conversations on FB as well as deactivated his search history. I saw he Googled how to deactivate it. He activated his private mode on his internet browser.

(Let me say I'm not sure if he had to put forth efforts to do any of this as he uses a Samsung phone and I don't understand them as well as Apple.)

He also Googled some porn but that doesn't bother me. I watch porn too, we don't watch it together he acts like he doesn't like it but obviously he does and I can't understand why he would try to hide it when he knows I have zero issues with this?

The other thing is, before his search history got disabled I saw he downloaded a TextNow app and uses it regularly but I don't see the app on his phone anywhere.

Anyways, I'm going CRAZY wondering how, why, etc I'm seeing all this and I can't get answers. I'm also 32 weeks pregnant so maybe it's the hormones. As I said, I never do this or get jealous. I've always trusted him 100% up until now and even now I'm not sure I should distrust him. I guess I'm asking if anyone else has experienced things like this, how did you find out, what should I do, etc?

**ETA** I've tried the Facebook search and nothing came up.