visitors after birth?

Mo • Married 9/24/16. Mommy 7/22/17 ❤️
I am 38 weeks and due any day now and from day 1 I have made it VERY clear to EVERYONE that I do NOT WANT TO ENTERTAIN ANYONE after having given birth! I think that's more than reasonable. I was raised to be a great hostess and I enjoy it which is part of the reason I'm saying no way! I would feel disgusting if I wasn't showered, manicured, house cleaned, coffee/tea brewing. I'm going to be exhausted and just want to be a slob with my husband and baby ALONE! I'm not afraid of taking care of a newborn I've been caring for children of all ages for over 5 years- I've seen and done it all😂 
But I just don't understand why people are so goddamn pushy!! 
My family hasn't said a damn word to me other than "if you need me just call" 
My MIL on the other hand assumes she'll be staying with us! HAH fat chance. We live 2 hours from any family so it isn't as if they could just stop by and I get that but that doesn't mean an extended stay IN OUR HOME- UNINVITED. She has stated on several occasions that she will stay my whole 6 week maternity leave. No. She has said she and my FIL will come up for a weekend and then she'll stay the week. No. She and her mother bombarded me at my own baby shower and said that grandma HAS to visit her first great grandchild IN HOSPITAL. immediately after its born. She HAS to see and hold it NEWBORN. I said no. Their response? "Fine then youll have to come to see us in those first 6 weeks" UHM I'm sorry bitch- what??? I don't have to do SHIT for you. 
I told them they would not be visiting me or holding my baby and I am getting 8 weeks off- 6 of them paid and nobody would be taking my bonding time with baby and husband away from me. I have soo much to figure out (breast feeding and cloth diapering, how to soothe my own child, and learn their cries) and they said "well we'll just show up then. You can't turn us away if we drive all the way to see you!" To which I said I wouldn't answer the door. Her response? "Okay we'll call and let you know when we're halfway there. How's that?" Bitch I will tell you to turn the fuck around. 
On top of it one of my friends who knows I hate that shit texted me the other day saying that I HAD TO tell her when I was going into labor (bitch???) so that she could pack her shot and come up and be there when we come back? 
To top it off nobody has mentioned they want to help my husband and I. Nobody is offering to bring food (except my wonderful family that I nanny for) or do laundry or dishes or clean our house. These selfish mother fuckers just want to hold my baby. 
My response? 
Get ya own damn baby. 
If you're a mom or a grandma YOUVE ALREADY HAD A BABY. THIS ONE IS MINE. 
Hormones are raging but I can't stand rude people 😤😤😤