My mom.

My mom has always be very rude to my current boyfriend. Him and I have a daughter together. He has longish hair, the bluest eyes, and gauges. I truly feel like my mom hates him because of his appearance. He's the biggest sweetheart you will ever met. He has been by my side since the beginning. He's a fantastic father and an amazing boyfriend. He takes care of our daughter and I. He works between 66-72 hours a WEEK. So he works 12 hour days, comes home and helps me with our daughter, and goes to bed. I'v have always been his one and only. He truly believes I am his soulmate and his better half. He showers me with love, affection, and love. I have told my mom this and million times and she still is so mean. For an example my parents were over at our house and my boyfriend was holding her and she started to cry because she was starting to get hungry. Well he started comfort her and she was calming down while I was about to go make her some milk. Well my mom goes over to him basically just snatch/scoops her super fast and right and says "I can calm her down since you can't, I just have better practice" of course my boyfriend being nice he didn't say anything because he didn't want to be rude to my mom.

I have address the problem several times and I also expressed it to my dad and he knew exactly what I was talking about and he has talked to her too and still no change. I'm seriously about to like blow up on my mom I have been calm and nice for to long. I have wanted to blow up on her for some time now but each time my boyfriend talks me out of it and tells me it's not worth it. But it is because he's the love of my life, he's going to be the one I die with. He is my forever. I love parents and I want them to always be apart of my life because it's starting to feel like my mom just wants my daughter in her life except my boyfriend and ME too now because I keep telling her to stop being mean.

What do you ladies think?