I need some advice


Ok so. When my baby was two months old, he was kissed by someone with a cold sore. I lost my shit. Who kisses a baby with a cold sore???? My husband and I didn't notice until after, and by then it was obviously too late. Thankfully he didn't get anything!!!! So my current issue, yesterday we went to a family gathering, a lady was there who we kind of know, she's my MIL's BFF. However, my husband despises her. And I'm not too fond of her. So while I was in the washroom and my husband was chatting with someone, she got ahold of our baby and decided it was okay to kiss him on the god damn mouth!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if she has cold sores or if she ever gets them!!! What the Fuck! What do I do??? I don't even kiss him on the mouth because I'm an HSV-1 carrier!!!! How can we avoid this next time?