My 1 year old won't eat 😁

Cassie 🍩 • Wife of 15 years💍. Mama of 5 with a loss, and my last and final little born 04/18 👶🏻. Occupational Therapist. Far from perfect, but serve a perfect God 🙌🏽.

So I'm seeing a speech pathologist to deal with LO's intolerance of anything with texture (she will only eat puréed food) but she went from eating a variety of puréed food I.e. Beef and vegetable meals, Mac and cheese meal, chicken and rice etc. but now she'll only eat some oatmeal cereal with fruit (a reduced amount from what she was eating) and occasional yogurt. She seems to want to now fill herself up with formula. I'm so stressed out because she's not eating enough solids. My concern went from her not tolerating textures, to now hardly eating any solids AT ALL. The SPL gave me tips that I've already been trying from my knowledge as a occupational therapist (although not well versed in eating issues with ages under 2) and I felt like all she did was think I'm lying about what I've tried and often made me feel like I had no idea what I was doing; maybe that's just me being offensive. Idk, but I'm really at my wits end! Anyone else have similar issues? Side note is I've only seen her for feeding one time as the wait list was horrendous and I plan to continue since I'm all for early intervention but I honestly feel like she may not be able to help me.