Why do we praise women who cheat as revenge?

Katerina 🐾🏳️‍🌈 • 25. Childfree. Student, cat lover, nerd 👽

Cheating is never okay in any capacity. However, I have seen time and time again women saying "good for you", "go get it girl!", "be strong" in response to learning a woman has cheated on her boyfriend as revenge/payback for him cheating on her.

WHY??! 😡 If a man came up on this forum and said "my girlfriend cheated on me so I went and fucked my ex" he would get SEVEN new assholes torn into him! So why aren't women who openly admit to it getting the same treatment? It's absolutely mind-boggling that some people think a woman is justified in cheating by using the excuse, "well he cheated first!" 😒

Rant over.

EDIT: This post was NOT made to call out anyone specific. This post was made to point out the hypocrisy of society, the one that tears men apart for cheating and labels them "pigs," then turns around and practically idolizes women who do the same in order to "get back" at their boyfriends. I apologize if anyone felt this was targeted specifically at them; that is absolutely not the case.