Saying Goodbye

So, I’m not exactly sure where to start this, but I really just need to get it out of my system. I’m not a very social person and I would rather keep to my tight group of friends (there are 6 of them) than go out and hang out with other people.  We’re all going to high school this year and I found out about 6 months ago that all of my friends and I are going to the same school. We were all super excited at first but in the past 3 month things have changed.

The first to leave: A couple weeks before she left she completely crushed my trust by sharing something that I privately text to her to everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. After that I could barely talk to her. When about 2 weeks passed I started to open up to her again but still held back because I was afraid of getting hurt again. The spring break came and around the end of break I got a group text from her telling me that she wasn’t coming back to school. At first, I was so worried I didn’t really understand what was going on. But after a day or 2 passed I started blaming myself. I thought it was all my fault that she left and to be honest I still think it’s my fault. I tried asking why from her and everybody else and all I got were some BS answers that you’d have to be an idiot to believe. After she left she stopped talking to me. I’ve tried starting conversations with her but nothing works. Since she told me she wasn’t coming back she’s said about a paragraphs worth to me and I’m tired of trying.

The second and third to leave: The reason I combined the two is because they started dating and left us for each other. The girl was my best friend but when they started hanging out it got harder and harder to hold a conversation with her. All she does is text him and you can’t try to talk with her privately because he is always there. And when you ask her to put her phone away for a minute she gets mad and blows you off. The guy was always the person I go to when I wanted to play sports or even I a serious conversation with. But when they started going out he started blowing me off to hang with her. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with that but that was until one day she said something to us about how we needed to stop flirting with each other (WHICH WE WERE NOT DOING). After that we just kind of stopped hanging out. He’s barely said anything to me since unless she’s there.

The fourth to leave: She is cousins with the other 2 girls that I’ve talked about so far. To sum it up I told her about what was going on with the other girls and she told me that family came first for her. She said she really wanted to be friends with me but if it came to choosing between me and her family she’d choose them.

I didn't type this up trying to get sympathy or anything like that I just really needed to get it off my chest. Please don't give me any hate for this post because that is the last thing I need right now. Thanks you guys for taking the time out of your day to read this. If you have any advice for me I would really appreciate it.