Boyfriend is an idiot

Hi! So I definitely think my boyfriend is an idiot. Either that or just plain inconsiderate!

So I'm sitting outside reading and scrolling on my phone, in peace, drinking some tea and relaxing in the shade, when he comes outside and decides to grab his recently worn wetsuit off the clothesline and shake it out two feet away from me in my direction! Covers me in sand and dirt!!! Gets all over my clothes and book and open drink container! No thought to move away to, I don't know, the other 20 feet of open space away from me?! What the hell is wrong with him?! And when I respond with anger and a "babe! Wtf?!" His only response, a chill "sorry". Umm not even a "omg! I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry"? And it'd be one thing if this was a once in a blue moon sort of behavior be displayed, but the sad thing is it's not. He does this type of thing so often that I really think it's how he functions. He doesn't think! No consideration for others or just plain stupid! Either way, I'm at my wits end after 2 years of this. It's like I'm dating Mr. Bean...🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️