Want Sex


I've had sex in the past but my religion pushes "no sex till marriage." I currently choose not to have sex because of my religion. But I've had sex with 3 different guys in the past. One was the guy I lost my virginity to at 14, my ex I dated for 3 1/2 years (we broke up a little over 2 years ago), and this other guy that I just couldn't resist after a while. That happened this year in January.

In my religion, you repent to your bishop about your "sins" and try your best not to do them again after repenting. If you do them again, you have to repent again. I've repented after every guy so far. Not always immediately just because I wanted to keep doing it and/or I hate talking to people about stuff. I'm not good at talking about things that are private to me including my secrets and feelings. I HATE having to repent lol. But I eventually repent because I know I should with my religion.

But there's this guy I have been hooking up with occasionally and the last time we were hooking up we got close to having sex and it was SO hard not to because we both wanted it. But I knew we'd both regret it if we did. He is also the same religion as me so he knows we shouldn't. he's a virgin but says he has done everything except for sex. But now I just really want it with him but I don't want to go through the process of repenting AGAIN. I hate it! Haha but keeping in mind that I'll have to repent later if I have sex keeps me from doing it, which is good. But I just really want it! It's a hard battle. Just had to get this off my chest!

P.S. Please don't bash anything about my religion (I'm not stating what it is.) I believe in my religion and know I want to follow it. Yes, I can do what I want, but it's my choice to try and follow it's teachings because I believe it's what I should do. Of course there will be struggles and this is mine that I try to overcome. I don't judge if you have sex or anything. :) it's just my personal choice to try not to even though I want to.

P.P.S. I do not think you're a sinner if you have sex before marriage! It's a personal choice. Sex is amazing and I personally can't wait until I'm married to do it as much as I want. If you do it before marriage, I think it's okay and I do not judge AT ALL! :) I am just trying to clarify things before people possibly get offended or anything by the things I've said.