Rant about baby daddy

I'm just posting this because I'm so upset and I don't want to go to bed upset so I thought I would just rant and blow off some steam. My baby's father and I have been off/on since a month finding out I was pregnant (his choosing) and we tried therapy but didn't seem to work. The therapist said it would be wise not to make any rash decisions regarding moving before the baby since we weren't fighting or having a negative relationship.. idk it just sounded good to me because him trying to leave was stressing me out because I wanted him to stay and I know the stress wasn't good for my pregnancy. So we had the baby and we still live together. We get along and even laugh with each other but you can still tell we aren't in a relationship, well at least it feels that way to me. But he's been here for his daughter and he was taking care of me as well (making sure I ate and slept etc) until recently. He went out with his friends two nights in a row and is sleeping through the night while I get up to feed the baby. Then today, he came home from a long day of work so I let him rest. Well when I get ready for bed, he wakes up and decides he was gonna get up and go get some food. I go to bed and he calls me at 2am, waking me up because his motorcycle key broke when he was getting gas and he needed me to bring him his spare key. The gas station is only 1.5 mins away from our house but this dude really told me to just leave our newborn sleeping and run his key to him!!! I was like hell naw I ain't leaving her. He was like it will only take you like a minute to do it, she will be okay. Omg I can't even describe the hurt/anger I felt! 😡😡😡😡😡 how can you even think that that would be okay!!!! She's only two weeks old!! I don't care how far or close the gas station is! I'm not leaving my newborn alone 🙅🏾 Needless to say, I packed her up in her car seat and thank God she didn't wake up! That would have been a whole nother issue 😩 Welp that is it, I feel better getting off my chest but I still can't believe he would even ask me to leave her at the house alone. Smh