Exciting news

So me and my husband have been officially TTC for 3 years but I have not been on any contraceptives for 7 years, which he knew obviously. We were told 4 years ago that we would never be able to conceive naturally and that any treatment would likely be unsuccessful due to an accumulation of fertility issues that we both have. We had made peace with it, told our families and had stopped trying and honestly it was hard. We had to make a choice to stop trying and accept our fate or keep talking out it and risk ruining our relationship. I chose the man I had and loved over a child a might never get. Today I realised my period was 3 weeks late so I took a test, knowing it would be negative I simply brushed my teeth and thought about my day ahead, when I went to throw away the test I saw 2 lines . . . I assumed it was a false positive and that I'd buggered it up so I took another . . . Two lines again. When I showed my husband his shocked expression mirrored mine so we went out and bought more tests. ALL POSITIVE! I'm still in shock and it doesn't seem real, after all we've done to forget the hurt of knowing we won't ever start our own family, were facing to daunting task of doing exactly that. My message is simple, don't give up hope, don't give up what you love and don't loose yourself trying to do something you cannot control. Everything happens for a reason even if sometimes we don't see the reason immediately. Love yourself and trust that one way or another you will be ok and one day who knows, like with us, miracles happen. Stay strong ladies, love to you all xx