Penis makes me nauseous

Ellie • Engaged to my soulmate💏and newly a SAHM to a 8 year old boy 👶🏽 4 year old girl and my newest baby girl born 1/25/18👶🏽👶🏽🎀🎀 💕

Okay y'all bare with me..

I am 10 weeks and some change pregnant

I have had off and on nausea/ vomiting since I was like 5 weeks.

Ever since I have been pregnant I can't stand the thought of a penis.

My fiancé and I have sex every 7-8 days due to the fact and I am dumb tired by the time our kids go to sleep or because of nausea! Don't get me wrong, I love having sex with him. I mean this is our 3rd baby..

Anyway, when it comes down to actually doing it I get nauseous! I HATE the thought of having his penis in my mouth because, like when I brush my teeth, I gag and either throw up or come really close to it!

I usually have to use it like a lollipop and take a lick or 2 and back off! 😂

Hopefully this will pass soon!!

Pleaseeee someone tell me I'm not the only one!