What would you do?

So I met this guy at a lounge last month. I'm 21 he's 35. Long story short, he was honest and upfront when we first met up at the park. He told me that him and his ex had been on and off for 8 years, but this time their done and she is in the process of finding her own place. So basically implying to me that they still live together. I asked did they still sleep in the same bed, have sex, etc. he said they sleep in the same bed, and they use to have sex occasionally but haven't for a while. So that was like a red flag to me. So one day we met up again and stuff. So his phone was lit up real bright so I glanced at it and saw a message from the lady and it said "I will give you some head tonight" and he replied and said ok. So I got upset and stormed off because I feel like he's playing me. So he explained to me that she is having a hard time letting him go and that she's trying to do things to get them back to where they use to be. And he said he isn't having it! But idk, we been vibing and getting along lately. My mom says I should cut it off until the woman actually moves out the home and when their not living together. What do you all think? What would you do? Leave for now, stay, or you don't know what you'd do?

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