Nuva ring

I'm officially now 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant... I was on nuva ring for 5 months.. taking it as I should, alarms for when it should be removed and a new one put in, was working great till the 5th month when I ended up getting pregnant. i was feeling off towards the time to take out my ring, I was telling a family member about it and they said pregnancy, so I took one to clear my conscious and this picture below is what I seen, pregnant on birth control.. pregnant on the nuva ring, I've seen my doctor and he has confirmed the pregnancy, the extra time the nuva ring was in would not harm the fetus, (thank god) and also the statistics of getting pregnant on the nuva ring, 3 in 100 woman taking it properly will get pregnant, I was on this before I met my husband, so I knew all about it when I decided to go back on it. and now I'm pregnant. always use extra protection, it's not completely uncommon... this is a warning to all the other people:)