anybody understand semen analysis results?

This is what the consultant emailed:
The "neat' (unprocessed) sample was normal.Volume was 4.3 mls (>2)Count was 57 million sperm/ml (>15)Rapid motility was 56% (>32)Normal morphology 8% (>4)MAR test totally negative (<40% MAR antibodies positive)The washed/processed sample provided:2 mls of 8 million sperm/ml at 66% motility.I would ideally like 2 mls of >5 million sperm/ml at >70% motility.The motility post wash is a little lower than I'd ideally like but is still pretty good and more than suitable for any <a href="">fertility treatment</a> you may choose including all options in CAH
Ps what is CAH?
Thanks in advance 😊