Military mommy breastfeeding/pumping


I am a mommy in the military and I just got back to work yesterday. I've tried pumping as often as I could before returning to work so I will have a little stock pile but when my baby takes a bottle he eats ALOT. 5 times more than he normal would. So during my lunch break I went to go feed him because his daycare is only 3 miles away and I got in trouble for it even after I told them where I was going and etc. are there any other military moms that have had this issue? What should I do? I was think about submitting a special request chit or something because they are also saying I can't pump. Does anyone know the breastfeeding naval instruction? Or anything? Any advice or anything at all will be helpful. I am extremely overwhelmed with everything because I am also dealing with PPD which I missed my appointment today because they wanted to have a meeting about me breast pumping.