Failed induction FTM 41+3
My title is a little misleading but anyways, let me start off by saying I had a wonderful pregnancy! No complications! I stopped working at 38 weeks and was very active all the way up until my induction. My 40 week appointment no signs of baby, I just knew she wasn't going to come on her own. No signs of her despite all the walking, running and going up and down the 4 story high building that I live in.
My sister and I were 2 weeks apart and I was ahead of her, she ended up having my niece the day after my due date 😆. Doctor told me if baby doesn't come within the next week (41 weeks exactly) then I'll be induced.
Fast forward to 41 weeks and I'm in the office scheduled to be induced the next morning at 7:30am. June 15th I go into the hospital to get induced and they immediately take my medical history and start getting me ready for the Cervidil. They put me on cervidil cause I wasn't dilated, nor was my cervix soft at all. So first round of cervidil didn't work, it takes 12 hours but it didn't soften anything. So my doc did another round of cervidil, 12 hours later, didn't work and now my Doc wants to send me home at 41 + 2. I'm fuming 😤 because I'm just exhausted and now I have to leave with baby still in my belly. So I beg my doc to allow me to stay, I refused to go home.
He then decided to just start the pitocin. My baby heart rate never dropped once while on pitocin. She was calm during my entire induction process! (Such a good girl 😊) . After 4 hours of pitocin I was 2cm dilated! My doc was so happy and immediately decided to pop my water! 💦 (felt warm and just non stop flow of water, like endlessly).
I was 2cm for 4 hours, I was getting contractions on a scale 1-10 for pain it was a 4 so I stuck it out. Then a few hours passed and I noticed the pain was getting intense. My mom and dad came during this time and helped me through my contractions. Dad joked around and mom pretty much nurtured me and had me walk with her around the unit. By now my contractions are at an 8 and it was painful! I had a open mind towards my birth experience, I wanted to try and go natural but I also told myself I would get the epidural if need be. I wanted an epidural and asked my parents to leave . From that point on I tried everything from bouncing on a birth ball and getting into the squatting position just relieve the pains from the contractions. Nothing helped so I just laid down and started breathing fast every 3 seconds and one slow exhale. It helped a little. I then got checked and was 6cm dilated and that's when I finally got the epidural which felt really uncomfortable and it hurt a bit.
At this point once I knew I was 6cm I called my husband to come in, my pain from contractions dropped down to a 4. They never went away completely. My husband arrives at 10pm June 16th and tells me to get some rest. My legs are extremely numb and i dozed off for a few hours, next thing you know I just woke up in so much pain. The room was completely dark and my husband was in the corner knocked out! I started yelling for him to help me because when I jumped up from the pain my right leg just fell off the bed and laid limb as I had no control over it. I yelled out for my husband to help and he didn't answer. I rung the bell and the nurse came storming in asking me why am I trying to get out of bed I am going to fall! I told her my leg is numb and it dangled off the side of the bed on its own. My husband then jumps up out of nowhere asking what's going on frantically. I started to feel extremely hot and sweaty, I then started throwing up multiple times. Both legs are so numb and out of my control. I was in excruciating pain! Way worse than my contractions! I remember asking myself what was the point in me getting the epidural if I was in this much pain!??!? It was terrible but somehow manageable. That's when I realized I actually do have a high tolerance for pain. It was 3 am and I asked the nurse if I could be checked! The nurse said no, I had this excruciating back pain as if I was in back labor! I was in so much pain I just laid in silence and it was like I left my body for a min.
The nurse and my husband did not understand how much pain I was in due to the fact that I was calm during the whole time I was in all this pain. Especially as I kept telling the nurse to check me, I wasn't yelling or freaking out. I was in so much pain it was like I had to be calm and talk low just to keep things under control for my own sake. So I was calmly and quietly begging her to check me!
I asked the nurse several times to please check me and she refused to have the doc check me. She just didn't think I was 10cm.3 hours later in straight agonizing pain I started getting feisty and demanded Some one check me or I'll get up out this bed! The nurse finally got the doc to check me and sure enough I was 10cm. I was in so much pain because baby had dropped further into the canal and pinched a nerve. All along I was 10cm but nurse didn't think I was so refused to have doc check me. My body didn't get the natural urge to push so although I was 10cm all that time baby was just sitting on nerve causing this excruciating back pain like back labor.
I started pushing on my own. I pushed with every contraction and as I pushed the back pain lessened! My husband and nurse were holding my legs back and the nurse offered to put a stand up mirror in front of my vagina so I can see what was going on. I saw my baby head as I pushed. It was so encouraging watching this through the mirror! I started pushing at 6am and baby was born at 6:37am 7lbs 11oz June 17th 2017

Let's Glow!
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