MIL says I can't have a natural birth...

My husband and I are TTC right now and have decided that I want to give birth at a birthing center, naturally, with no epidural. No big deal. Well last weekend the topic of babies / birth came up and my MIL + SIL blatantly said in front of everyone that "I can't see her having a natural birth, it will be too painful for you... what are you going to do if something goes wrong. Midwifes and nurses aren't going to know everything a doctor does..." in very discouraging tones 😑

It REALLY hurt my feelings. Keep in mind my MIL had a c-section and my SIL doesn't have kids yet either. So neither of them know what pushing a baby out of their vagina feels like.

If this topic comes up again, how can I address this with them so they get off my back? I KNOW this is what I want to do and I KNOW thousands of women do it every day. Give me some advice ladies 💕