I cannot believe I wasted two years of my life on a worthless man. You want to list  all these negative things about me but stay ignoring the negative things about yourself. You are a 38 year old man still living at home with your mother and plan to do so until she dies and leaves you some money; which I'm sure you'll use to selfishly waste on luxuries for yourself while your two kids need school clothes and food. You think you're so smart but in reality you are the dumbest person I've ever come into contact with. You say getting anything past a high school diploma is waste of time but yet you complain about having a sore back after doing manual labor jobs. Even with all my flaws I was still the best thing that ever happened to you. I was the definition of supportive and loving. When you quit your job I stepped up and paid your bills, even found you another job while you sat on your ass all day and complained about how the state won't give you food stamps and unemployment. I even got my family involved you selfish prick. I was more of a mother to you than a fiancé and that's partly my fault. I should have smelled the bullshit coming off your breath. I also love that the only reason your now looking into getting an education so you can get a better job is to get back at me for breaking up with you. Not because you loved me, not because you care to improve yourself, not to fulfill those lies you fed me, not even because of your two living breathing children, but because you want to Get. Back. At. Me. Thank God I didn't get pregnant by you thank God I didn't marry you. Thank God I have nothing to connect me to you forever and ever. You are the biggest mistake of my life and God help me I will learn from this. I am NEVER EVER lowering my standard for a man again. Even if it means I'm going to be alone forever so be it. I would rather be a crazy old dog lady than deal with a narcissistic, selfish, worthless, man. I'm going to have respect for myself. I'm worthy of a good man. I DESERVE a good man.