Tracking ovulation


I need some help. I just started ttc two months ago. I started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>. When I bought the test the box says no line is no ovulation and lines are ovulation and to stop testing once you see a line. I tested a couple days early so I didn't miss it and got a line. So I assumed I'm ovulating. This was Monday. Tuesday I took another test to see if I was still positive or if it passed. Another line. Then last night I was reading on here that lines don't necessarily mean ovulation and that it depends on how dark the lines are. So now I'm hopeful someone can share what info is correct. I took another test this afternoon and it still is showing positive. So now I'm worried that I won't know how to track ovulation. Help!

Top is from yesterday.

Bottom from today.

They look pretty dark to me but can anyone help me out to figure out how I tested positive 3 days in a row.