Wife's addiction to social media

I swear my wife is addicted to social media. Her face is constantly buried in her phone. She gets home... on FB. At dinner, on FB. In the bedroom, on FB! It's just not FB, but all of them. Twitter, snap chat, instagram, etc. she swears she isn't, but then goes on about how it's bad for kids. I just look at her like 😒. It even effects our sex life. She will be on her phone for up to 45min in bed, but it's like "I'm too tired". Yeah? You weren't too tired for all that Facebooking you just did! And it's not like a quick browse either, it's like she studies the damn posts! Very frustrated and don't know what to do. It's bad enough I have to deal with my own depression and anxiety issues on top of this.

Okay, sorry if I sound like I'm venting but I kinda am.