Help 25 yr old Blonde P/U a Man in His Prime


So listen guys, there's this guy I bump into regularly at the bar and through mutual friends. He's 38, I'm 24. He's hot. I mean the kind of attractive where I wanna follow him out to his car and force myself on him kind of hot. I crave him and I've never tasted him. I ache for him. Ive already envisioned us going at it 20 different ways for daysssssss. 😋☔️☔️☔️ Dude is gonna need an umbrella with me! 😅 Oh and I bet he's at the top of his game too. 🤤🤤🤤

But really, I enjoy talking to him, he's an awesome guy, and good company, but I know his type and I know it would never lead to anything more than sex. And I'm totally cool with that! That's all I want from him too. And for nothing to change between us obviously.

So how would I approach this? What would a guy like to hear from a blonde who just wants a little fun???