false positive


ok so back in May 2016 I was attacked and raped. that is not what this post is about. I've always practiced safe sex, in 2014 I was std tested prior to being put on birth control and I came back negative. I went to the doctor in October of 2016 for routine bloodwork and was told I was positive for hsv-2 antibodies. the only person who could have given it to be based on my previous history sexually and my timeline with testing, was my attacker. so I'm finally healing from my attack and I've coped with the idea of having herpes, and I've even told many friends that I have it. going through posts I'm seeing a lot of horror stories on people's outbreaks. hearing how long they lasted and how painful they were. I know not everyone has symptoms, but the only thing I can even recall that might have been an outbreak was just itchy and lasted two days. I decided to do a Google search to see if a false positive through bloodwork is possible and I've read on multiple credible sites that it can be as many as 1 in 2 positives are false. should I bring this up to my doctor and get tested again?